The Innovation Lab Fribourg’s application allows you to do a multitude of things and all this for free! Reserve the rooms for a conference, a meeting or discussions between members of your team. Wherever you are, you can select the room for the desired duration, in a completely autonomous way. To take advantage of the room reservation, you must become a member of our (R)evolution program. By joining this program, you have access to all the advantages, including the booking of Lab spaces.
Our App
Getting started
Our app is available on a web format or in dedicated applications for smartphones
Our application as many functions such as: – News about the Lab (Stream) – Coming events (Events) – Rooms booking
Create an account / login
Once on the site / application, you can login / create an account by clicking on “login”. You will receive an email containing a unique-use code in order to connect. This first step allows you to see “the stream” ( news of the InnoLab Fribourg) and also our coming events.
Ask for member access
If you would like to have the possibility of booking rooms, such as conference room, meeting room, etc. You need to be part of the (R)evolution program. To be part of it, you have the possiblity to directly ask us via the app on the “ask for jointure” button. Otherwise, it’s also possible to come and see us directly at InnoLab Fribourg !
Anything else?
If you have any question about the App, please come and ask us! We are here from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm. Otherwise, send us an email (